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Companions are men and women, students and retirees who support the Ursuline charism and enjoy spending time with the sisters and each other learning, praying, and writing. Opportunities are always available for other topics and for service projects. All are welcome. Provide your contact information, including e-mail if you have it, to someone from the contact list in order to be notified of events.


Being an Ursuline Companion has greatly enriched many lives and deepened our connection with God.


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Core Team Members

Sr. Lucia Castellini

Erna Dennis

Ruth Hutchinson

Karin Burwinkel

Rosanne Brubaker


The Companion Group offers two monthly small group meetings:


- Lectio Divina Bible Study

- Creative Writing

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Additional Information

Companion Brochure

Spiritual Practices

Walking Stick Summer 2020

Walking Stick Winter 2021

Walking Stick Winter 2022

In addition, Companions are invited to St. Angela Feast Day and other meetings with extended groups of sisters and companions. Throughout the year there are several topical Saturday workshops. There is an Annual Companion Reflection Day at Chatfield on a Saturday in the fall.

Open Book
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